Microgage PRO Applications

Applications & capabilities of Pinpoint Laser's Microgage PRO system

Microgage PRO Laser Alignment System.The Pinpoint Laser Microgage PRO alignment system provides precise laser measuring and alignment in numerous applications. See how this versatile alignment tool works within your team to increase business productivity and improve business process efficiency.

Straightness & Linear

  • Installing & checking linear slides & tracks
  • Measuring straightness of machinery
  • Adjusting roller & guide assemblies
  • Locating gantry rails & cross bridges
  • Measuring shaft & machinery deflections
  • Aligning aircraft wing fixtures
  • Aligning helicopter drive shafts
  • Adjusting tube forming rolls

Squareness & Perpendicularity

  • Checking CNC machine tool squareness
  • Aligning press & indexing systems
  • Z axis alignment on machine tools
  • Positioning & adjusting precision scanners
  • Aligning robotic welding systems


  • Checking rail & track parallelism
  • Adjusting large web systems
  • Checking press & platen alignment
  • Adjusting accumulator rolls
  • Aligning printing rolls, calendars & idlers
  • Aligning thin-film & converting lines
  • Adjusting take up rolls & winders

Flatness & Planer

  • Measuring machine bed flatness
  • Checking large parts & assemblies
  • Checking paper fourdrinier flatness
  • Inspecting large press plates
  • Adjusting gantry travel
  • Aligning pick & place robots

Machinery Leveling

  • Leveling large papermaking machines
  • Leveling chiller & drying rolls
  • Adjusting antenna & telescope arrays
  • Leveling turbine generator systems


  • Measuring stage & table runout
  • Assembling long machinery runs
  • Aligning CNC milling & turning centers
  • Calibrating precision robot travel
  • Adjusting aircraft wing flaps

Lathe & Spindle Alignment

  • Aligning shafts, gearboxes & transmissions
  • Aligning turbine shafts & fans
  • Checking CNC turning centers
  • Measuring lathe travel & geometries
  • Propeller shaft alignment
  • Aligning helicopter engine systems

Bore Alignment

  • Aligning bearings, shafts & gearboxes
  • Checking piston RAM alignment
  • Aligning extruder screws & casings
  • Checking bore straightness
  • Measuring tube bend & straightness
  • Adjusting aircraft landing gear
  • Aligning camshaft bearings & journals
  • Centering stuffing boxes, Cutlass bearings & propeller shafts

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  • What our customers say

    Thanks for the quick response. I was able to complete my alignment and release the machine to production yesterday as planned. Without your help, we would be rescheduling the alignment and probably had major issues running production until that happened. Thanks again!

    Joe Gentile — PCI Services

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