Pinpoint Repair Laboratory

Repair service and care for your Microgage with alignment traceable to NIST.

Accidents happen, and from time to time your laser alignment system might need repairs. You can trust the Pinpoint engineers to handle and repair your system with the highest regard.

No hassle over the phone and no delays, just call us at 1 (800) 757-5383 (US only) or (978) 532-8001 and our engineers and alignment specialists will walk you through how to fix the system or how to send it to our facility so we can repair the system for you.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Quick turnaround: typically 1 week
  • Entire system cleaned & inspected
  • Precise alignment achieved to 0.0001

Some repairs don’t require an Engineer’s touch, so Pinpoint’s team will walk you through troubleshooting and repair work over the phone or through Skype. If the repair work is beyond your capabilities, Pinpoint will send you an RMA and schedule the work your team needs.

In addition to repairs, your Microgage alignment system will be cleaned and thoroughly inspected within just a couple of days. We work around your schedule to bring you a good-as-new alignment system at your convenience and at an affordable price.

The Repair Team is comprised of the very Engineers and Alignment Specialists who built your alignment system(s). These skilled service technicians work diligently to provide the fast, yet high-quality repair service your team requires. Because we have several technicians, all parts of the laser alignment systems are able to be repaired to your satisfaction.

Have an older Pinpoint system? There is a good chance that we can still service it. We do our best to keep your investment working for many years.

For repair work on systems outside the U.S., contact our Repair Service Center.

Report repairs to Pinpoint and we’ll work around your schedule to fix your system.

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