Customer Training

Call Pinpoint at (978) 532-8001 for answers. We have numerous options for your team.

Pinpont Laser Owner Manual Training.

Pinpoint Laser Systems’ training supports numerous industries globally. Our training packages include a range of options from business specific to industrial projects, leveraging decades of experience and the latest technology.

Our alignment technicians have in-depth experience helping customers in a wide variety of industries and applications. We strive to help our customers get the most out of their alignment systems. Haven’t used your system in a while? Got a new person on the floor? Want to use your system for a new application? Contact Pinpoint Laser Systems today to start your training!

Conference Calls

We will talk you and your colleagues through your applications via Skype or conference calls.

Online Meetings

An easy, quick way to hone your skills while sitting at your desk

On-site Training

We’ll arrange for an Alignment Specialist to visit your plant.

Online Communications

Application Notes and informative emails that are relevant to your team.

Because we offer alignment training that’s customized to your needs, it means that we train at all skill levels – from the individual to the group. Plan for us to come to your facility or join us at our headquarters in Peabody, MA. Either way, expect to improve your knowledge of laser alignment and measurement.

Use our training as a framework to develop or enhance your existing alignment process on any project you have. The Pinpoint team provides practical, project-based training designed to increase your alignment competencies.

Report repairs to Pinpoint and we’ll work around your schedule to fix your system.

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