Disc Receiver Accessory Video

The Disc Receiver is a cylindrical receiver that is designed to be placed into small bore tubes, extruder barrels, shaft bearings and related parts. It is commonly used for engine bore alignment, checking centerline accuracy, checking runout, as well as various assemblies. The Disc receiver is made durable with precision aluminum and stainless steel housing that provide years of durable use on the factory floor and in industrial settings.

Choose to customize the Disc Receivers in your kit or use them as they come – the accuracy and runout are spot on no matter what your needs are. Not sure exactly how to fit this bore receiver into your routine? Contact our Alignment Specialists for guidance on how your machine data can be best captured. Contact Pinpoint Laser Systems today! We have engineers available to answer all questions (8AM – 5PM EST). 1-800-757-5383 (US) Call 1-978-532-8001

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