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Behind the Scenes at Pinpoint Laser Systems: Our Centerpiece Product


They say you shouldn’t sell on your blog. Instead, let me show you behind the scenes of my company’s centerpiece product. If you’ve ever wondered exactly what it is we do, this post will tell you.

We make lasers.

We manufacture handheld devices that fit into a large briefcase. Our customers use these devices to measure and align their equipment.

Our “Microgage PRO” system is our top-of-the-line model. Here’s what we like about it:

Visuals: We made measurements easier to see.

All measurement and alignment tools have some readout or display. But none had a display worthy of being called “smart.”

The Microgage PRO has a digital display that looks a lot like a smart phone or tablet.

Smart display

Don’t you wish your measuring tape had one of these?

The best part about the display is that it can be used wirelessly, carried right out onto the factory floor.

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