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IMTS 2012: Big Meeting = Big Results

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 Imagine going to a business meeting to talk with 1,900 companies that have brought 15,000 tons of modern equipment and set it up indoors in 2 million square feet to demonstrate for you.  Now imagine 102,000 other people from 160 countries walking in with you to talk, see, and learn from these companies. Does this sound amazing? If you said yes, you are not alone!   Welcome to the International Manufacturing & Technology Show, IMTS for short, that was held in Chicago last week. 

Pinpoint Laser Systems was one of the 1,900 companies exhibiting products at the show. During our week, we spoke with thousands of attendees about their industries, manufacturing plants and production equipment. Talking with visitors and other exhibitors, we learned about new industry trends, gathered ideas for new product solutions and innovations, saw old friends, met new ones and shared our experiences with others. We gained insights on running a better company, building better products, adapting to change and finding new opportunities. Many shared their opinions on industry, manufacturing, technology, and the country. We can say with certainty that manufacturing and innovation is a strong, competitive and vital part of our country’s past, present, and future. 

Though exhausting, the experience was enlightening, fascinating and one we would not want to have missed. If you have the opportunity to attend a large industrial show, avoid the temptation to say “…well I’m too busy this week…” and find a reason for not going.  Do not lose the opportunity to see and learn about your industry and the events and forces that shape its direction and future.  You will be glad that you made the effort.

Already, we are looking ahead to the next IMTS Show in 2014.  In the mean time, we encourage you to grab those opportunities to go to industrial trade shows and learn what you can from others.

We’ll be looking for you at the next show!

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